Friday, December 27, 2013

EAMCET-2014 on May 17; test may go online from 2015

EAMCET-2014 on May 17; test may go online from 2015

On the lines of CAT and BITSAT , the Engineering Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test (EAMCET) is likely to go online from 2015.
An indication to this was given by the APSCHE Chairman, L. Venugopal Reddy in Hyderabad on Thursday. He said efforts were on to make the test online and sufficient time would be given for students before the decision is taken.
He said the EAMCET for next year will be held on May 17 and the notification would be given on February 10. Results will be announced on June 9. The JNTU Hyderabad will conduct the test and N.V. Ramana Rao will be the Convenor.
Similarly, the ICET for MBA and MCA admissions will be held on May 23 and notification will be issued on February 14. The ECET will be conducted on May 10, EdCET on June 2, LAWCET on June 8, PGECET on May 26 and PECET on May 5.

EAMCET 2014 Schedule

EAMCET 2014 Schedule
EAMCET 2014 notification will be released in February 10, 2014
EAMCET will be held on May 17, 2014
Results will be announced on June 2, 2014 

Friday, December 13, 2013

What are the Three Common Mistakes Students Usually Do In Exams?

Human nature is prone to one thing - mistakes. Admittedly, everyone else has that tendency. No matter how prepared you may be, mistakes can also come during the actual moment which you are preparing for. One of the most critical moments is during examinations where your future lies. One’s brain can be a scumbag at times, and makes you commit mistakes which you did not intentionally want to do.

During examinations, mistakes are something that you do not want to do. However, just like what was mentioned earlier, these are things which you cannot avoid. On the other hand, you may be able to minimize the impact it will have on your results. Awareness is the key. That is why knowing that these may happen is the first step in minimizing the problems encountered.

Guessing what items will come out in the examination is one of the most common problems that a student may do. The mistake usually happens during the moments when one is studying. Though there are times when this is helpful, being too confident can cause you your downfall. Remember that you can never outsmart your teacher, though there are times when you do.

Instead of spotting the question, it is best to spot the topics. The difference between the two is that the latter means having a grasp of the general concept. This means you have a general idea regarding the entire concept that is going to come out in the examination. At least in this one, you have a lot of choices to choose from.

Students also have a tendency to memorize the book word for word, especially examinations which may require it. However, when the examination comes, you cannot retrieve the information that you are trying to remember. The longer you wait, the more difficult it is to retrieve. As a result, you lose valuable time.

In cases where you might think of doing so, remember that it might be better if you understand the concepts being discussed. If you are able to understand the concept, no matter how the teachers state it in the choices, you will be able to get the answers correctly.

Everyone also has the tendency to panic even before an examination. This is a natural reaction; however, this has drastic consequences. Once you panic, the natural reaction of the brain is go haywire. Your mind gets all jumbled and you might even find it harder to retrieve any information which you were confident to have stored in your memory.

You have to calm yourself and keep yourself in check. If you do not know how to do so, then tips to help you calm down are the following:

·         Clear your thoughts regarding the topics that you studied
·         Prepare well ahead of time
·         Balance your time between studying and other activities
·         Always have a good night’s sleep before an examination
·         Empower yourself

The burden of examinations will always have these kinds of effects on an individual. Minimizing its effect is the only thing that you can do. The first step is acknowledging that you will commit mistakes; the next is doing something to minimize its effects. Combine these two, and you may have better results than your previous ones.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Planning to Crack the IIT-JEE 2014/15 –Get planning Guide from CETPractice

Exams measure our knowledge also enhance our learning, but have you ever felt ill prepared for an exam? Almost everyone has, and sometimes we just need a little extra help.Luckily, is here to help you achieve your greatest success in competitive Engineering and Medicine entrance exams. Our Personal Exam Planning (PEP) Coach App is India’s first project management tool that will help you plan better, learn faster, retain longer and score higher.

The most important thing a student can do to prepare for exams is to start early. NEET, JEE, Mains and similar exams require thorough preparation over a two-year period on multiple subjects, concepts and chapters. Proper planning for these tests requires strategy and the ability to use time wisely by developing practical study techniques. Successful performance on any exam is usually a reflection of our daily application of the following strategies:

 Overview of the work to be done
Schedule study time accordingly
Deal with unread material
Review materials actively, not passively
Take care of physical and emotional health

Download the PEP Coach App today and we guarantee you will achieve great success in your study strategy, tracking your progress, spending time wisely, and ultimately scoring better on tests. With the PEP Coach, you will gain access to pre-fed chapters per syllabus, personalized scheduling, built-in reminders to update progress, initial preparation and revision tracking, college tutorials, and performance and time tracking.

There will always be a certain amount of tension during exam periods, but proper planning and preparation using the PEP Coach App will help you approach an exam efficiently and calmly. Just remember that a little bit of anxiety is normal because it gives you the adrenaline boost necessary to heighten your awareness.

As the old saying goes, "Failing to plan is planning to fail". The process of preparing for a test requires that we develop good study skills and coordinate those skills effectively and efficiently. This way, we reap positive results!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Are You Preparing For IIT-JEE Entrance Exam? Know Your Learning Style.

Learning Style: Auditory Learner

Learning is the end goal of studying. Without learning being the result of all the effort that you do, the process of studying becomes useless. That is why finding efficiency in what you do is necessary. This is what leads to the best way of learning. In this case, the best way to find efficiency is to learn more about your learning style.

There are three learning styles currently known to man - Visual, Kinaesthetic, and Auditory. Each learning style is self explanatory. On the other hand, there are certain techniques and strategies which you can use in order effectively incorporate it to your study methods.

This article will be talking more about the auditory learning style.

An auditory learner, as the name suggests, focuses on learning by means of hearing them. This means, they may perform well during a lecture. This also means that they are not able to perform at the optimum level when they read. Chances are, they will not be able to understand what they are reading making their efforts futile.

In addition, auditory learners may be one of those individuals who may become very good psychologists. They are very keen in determining the meaning behind every person’s words by listening to the changes in the words they speak, especially when it comes to intonation. Every word spoken and how it is said has a reason behind it.

There are certain characteristics which may give an auditory learner away. Several characteristics present in an auditory learner are the following:

·         Read the material out loud
·         Performs best during oral reports
·         Confident in speaking in front of the class
·         Explains well
·         Good with remembering names
·         Keen in noticing the sound effects used in movies
·         Loves music
·         Fluent with grammar and specific foreign languages
·         Reads slowly
·         Comprehends spoken words efficiently
·         Very talkative
·         Loves being the center of attention such as when they perform on stage
·         Performs well in study groups

These are the standard characteristics that you may find in an auditory learner. On the other hand, there will always be an exception to every rule. There are those who may not be auditory, but has some of these characteristics. In the end, the best way to determine who among your friends is an auditory learner is by testing the situation where they may perform best after studying.

In order to make an auditory learner more efficient in their studies, you have to remember specific considerations before, during, and after helping them study. The specifics include the following:
  •          Brief before you start and conclude once you are done
  •          Question them during the lecture; always make it a two process
  •           Make them perform activities which may include speaking in larger groups
  •          Let them speak their questions out
  •          Visualize how the interaction will be between you and the learners

Knowing the characteristics of an auditory learner helps you determine how to adjust your teaching strategies to the kind of people you are dealing with. In addition, the learners will also gain an idea regarding the best way for them to learn.

Learning is all about efficiency and consistency. Getting yourself familiar with your style will be the difference maker in getting good grades and failing a class.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Preparation- How To Go About It

A competitive exam is much different from regular exams. You only go through certain sections of the given curriculum for your course exam and even there you can estimate the possible questions. This is not so with any competitive exam. For course curriculum exam you have certain books and though in most cases the outline of syllabus is the only indication but a set of previous years’ question papers make the job easier. You get some ideas. You get possible question types and this is diametrically opposite to the situation for competitive exams. Why?

You don’t know what the question type is. If it is even mentioned that objective type questions will be there can you estimate what their nature will be? Most of the competitive exam boards in science stream after plus two are very careful not to repeat the previous year paper types so that the student do not try to predict their ways. This is more prominent when you go for IITJEE. In this confusing situation it is really tough to reach the best guidance. Don’t be surprised. Guidance is essential for a good score and rank. Even if you are nearly through your first year of junior college there is still time. But to crack the bulls’ eye you need guided planning.

How do you prepare? First go for the text that is mentioned in syllabus. Chose a few books suggested by your guidance centre or recommended by your professor. Remember these books are to clear your conceptions for the different topics so if you do not think about a chapter in a book very positively take another book. Do not have inertia to change books, one book may have good English but that is not important, whether you understand the subject or not is paramount. Once you have covered every line of the given syllabus for the test papers of the guidance centre. You can choose one from CETpractice or from any one you fancy. The benefit with CETpractice is that the accompanying apps help you to identify your weaker sections and possible corrections to improve them.

The apps set also guide you on allotting time for individual chapters and how you can improve your preparation in the given situation. Remember that JEE mains is different from most other engineering exams and you need to test your position with Exam Competitiveness Guide app. Every exam is different from other and till you don’t prepare for a particular exam and take tests accordingly you do not know where you stand. Since the cut off can be half of a mark, check how competitive you are.

Please note that only studying through your lessons is not enough for cracking the entrance exams. You need something to give edge over the million other taking the same NEET exam. Next issue we will talk about two people who could use successfully some tactics and methods to their benefit.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Exam ECG

Exam ECG

Exam ECG

Confidence when each mark matter

Confidence when each mark matter
Compliment your subject preparation with exam ECG to make a winning combination

Exam ECG

Exam ECG: How can it help Me?

Exam ECG: How can it help Me?

Exam ECG is your diagnostic tool for finding out your subject preparation levels, your mental stamina development and emotional toughness to take the examination as well as your answering pattern. It’s a wonderful tool to use when you are at your last leg of exam preparation.

The objective of Exam ECG is to help you stop mark loss due to common technique pitfalls and help you maximize your marks gain by your efforts in the last few weeks preceding the examination.
The following ten are some of the common checks that an Exam ECG does; there are many more benefits to taking an Exam ECG, which you could discover for yourself by taking an Exam ECG.

Exam ECG Check 1:
Did you know that a significant number of students lose a good rank in competitive exams not for lack of studies but because they are unable to manage their time while answering the paper. Exam ECG can help you to understand your answering pattern and make the important changes, where required, to make sure you get the optimal time to answer all questions.

Exam ECG Check 2:
Exam ECG helps you find out time traps, sections that absorb more time than they should during an exam. These may include certain type of questions, specific chapters or time points during the exam. Finding out these time traps will help you plan and avoid wasting your time in your final exam.

Exam ECG Check 3:
Find out if you are using your time productively with Exam ECG. At a glance estimate your success rate in answering questions which take up the most of your time. This will help you decide how to deal with questions where you might not have an apparent answer quickly.

Exam ECG Check 4:
A lot of students wrongly answer questions for which they might know the right answers. They might be rushing through these questions and not spending the optimum time to understand the question and potential answers. Exam ECG helps you identify if you are likely to commit such errors and take steps to ensure that you do not lose marks on this account.

Exam ECG Check 5:
Competitive exams are as much a test of your mental stamina and emotional strength as your subject knowledge. Does your performance start deteriorating after sometime in to the examination? Are you likely to get in to a losing streak after having difficulties answering a couple of questions? Find out answers to these questions with Exam ECG.

Exam ECG Check 6:
Note down the questions that you have guessed the answers for during answering your exam. Then at a glance find out how much time you have spent on guessing and what has been your success rate for guessing. This analysis is very crucial when you have negative marking. While guessing is not a recommended strategy, you can analyse and work upon improving your guess success rate based on the Exam ECG.

Exam ECG Check 7:
Exam ECG measures your scoring pattern and answering speed throughout the duration of the examination. Find out if your score is dipping abnormally as time passes, which might be an indicator of mental fatigue. Compare this with your answering speed and figure out if you have developed the mental stamina and focus required to perform at peak levels throughout the entire duration of the examination.

Exam ECG Check 8:
Your final revision should be structured in such a way that it leads to the maximum increase in your marks. A good way is to find out which chapters are your weakest and strongest and in which chapters a revision should suffice and which chapters need to be re- taught. Multiple Exam ECG chapter analyses can help you quickly identify deficiencies and help you structure your last minute preparation for marks maximization.

Exam ECG Check 9:
Competitive exams are a mix of easy and difficult questions. Exam ECG can help you analyze how you are faring with the difficult questions in terms of time spent and success rate. Similarly it can help you find out if you are spending too much time or scoring low in comparatively easy questions.

Exam ECG Check 10:
Exam ECG's subject wise - analysis gives you a comprehensive picture of your performance by subject helping you find out your strongest and weakest subjects, distribution of time between subjects and productivity by subject. This analysis helps you focus on your last - minute preparation and formulating your exam answering strategy.

Exam ECG

Revision in the Last month?

Revision in the Last month?
Exam ECGs can help you areas that need your greatest attention!

Exam ECG

Use the Doctor’s Principle?

Use the Doctor’s Principle?
Diagnose your exam preparation weaknesses (with exam ECG) before appearing for the exam

Exam ECG


National Eligibility cum Entrance Test NEET (UG) 
Exam Date: 05.5.2013 (Sunday )

EAMCET Engineering

EAMCET Engineering 
Date of Examination 10-05-2013
Time 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM

EAMCET Medicine

EAMCET Medicine
Date of Examination 10-05-2013
Time 2.30 PM to 5.30 PM

CET 2013: Last Minute Booster Course

CET 2013: Last Minute Booster Course
Course includes a series of 5 online EAMCET/MTCET/NEET simulation tests online followed by in depth analysis of your performance after each test. The simulation tests have been prepared by subject experts with several years of experience in guiding students to success in EAMCET/MTCET/NEET. The course also includes 4 'Exam ECGs' to help you maximize your performance.

Joining the last minute booster course could help you significantly better your score in the exam in the following ways:

Comprehensive revision of syllabus: Helps you find out your strongest and weakest chapters so that you can properly structure your revision.

Aids last minute preparation: Helps focused study in the last few days to increase success chances. Online format saves travel time.

Improve your exam time management skills: So that you can maximize your answering speed.Develop stamina and concentration to perform at peak level through the 2 hour + exam.

Common MCQ tricks: Helps you understand and overcome them

A 15 day program to maximize 2 yrs of preparation.

Join Now to boost your score!